My Life | Pack your bags! Let's go!
Friday, December 19, 2008
This has been SUCH a long time coming! Pack your bags and follow me to my new blog location!

I'm SO excited and thrilled to have this new tool! It'll definitely allow for bigger pictures, more comment and archiving features including a snazzy contact page. I've already included some new announcements and what is in store for 2009. 2008 has been such a year of discovery, life changes, making some pretty hefty decisions, following my passion, pursuing my art and throwing some good juju back into the universe. A huge thank you to the people who have helped me in this phase of my career as I embark into another one! I tell you, this new blog is just the beginning!
So come by and see me at my new home here on cyberspace! Feel free to leave a comment as well, another cool feature on my blog! Can't wait to hear from you! Rr.