Friendship | Paula & Nelson
Saturday, March 15, 2008
They were on campus one day each hanging with their own set of friends. She heard him laughing and said to her friend, "I'm going to marry that guy." And, marry him she did. They've been married quite some time now and still have that, how do you say in French? Oh yes, that je no se quoi.

They are also very good friends of mine. If someone told me five years ago that I'd be hanging out with these two I would have said, "absolutely no way. They're crazy!" Craziness aside, do you know what I admire about this couple? They are always down to feed, lodge and help a friend in need, they give you the advice you NEED to hear not WANT to hear, you never have to call weeks in advance to stop by and visit, and they share the same wicked sense of humor. Oh, and if you ever find yourself in their living room, be prepared to have the best damn cup of Bustelo coffee in town!
To show you just how tight a bond Paula and Nelson really do share, here are a few of my favorites from our shoot this afternoon.

I could get used to this backlighting business.

Paula did some modeling back in N.Y. and knew exactly what to do. My job was easy!

I know Nelson's eyes are closed on this one, but something tells me Paula will enjoy this one very much.

I turn around after switching lenses to find Paula leg-pressing Nelson!

April 2, 2008 at 7:08 AM
this shoot looked like it was so much fun!