Clients | Brendan & Tricia
Sunday, July 27, 2008
It's rare that I get asked to do family portraits these days. But when I do, I'm most ALWAYS up for a challenge. A challenge you say? No way, no how. Think are pretty fast and if you're not paying close enough attention you'll miss some pretty awesome moments.
Meet Brendan & Tricia, two of the most polite and laid-back kids I've ever met. When I think of what a happy and carefree childhood looks like, I think of these two. Considering the times and how kids grow faster than Chia pets these days, I find it refreshing to know that Brendan and Tricia are occupied being just kids - as they should be. As an added bonus mum and dad are pretty kick-ass - both very talented artists and good friends.
Tricia & Brendan: thank you both for being SUCH good sports and so much fun! One day I will own a big trampoline, too. If I did school again, I'd definitely want to hang out with you! You two are amazing and are going to do some big things in this world! I look forward to it! Riz.

Tricia is adorb! Her eyes are striking AND she has the cutest freckles to boot!

Brendan is such a HAM! Mum will have to ward the girls off with bug spray.

I wish I owned a trampoline this big when I was a kid. Actually, I just wish I owned a trampoline.

Meet Brendan & Tricia, two of the most polite and laid-back kids I've ever met. When I think of what a happy and carefree childhood looks like, I think of these two. Considering the times and how kids grow faster than Chia pets these days, I find it refreshing to know that Brendan and Tricia are occupied being just kids - as they should be. As an added bonus mum and dad are pretty kick-ass - both very talented artists and good friends.
Tricia & Brendan: thank you both for being SUCH good sports and so much fun! One day I will own a big trampoline, too. If I did school again, I'd definitely want to hang out with you! You two are amazing and are going to do some big things in this world! I look forward to it! Riz.

Labels: Alameda Photographer, san francisco photographer, san francisco portrait photographer