Personal | Happy 4th!!!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
I hope everyone had a great Independence Day like I did. It's been a tradition for me for a few years now to actually go OUT and watch fireworks somewhere (as with most of the population). I usually attend the big Foster City fanfare, but this year the Marin County Fairgrounds seemed far more appealing than picturing myself sitting on a blanket for a few hours while my butt goes numb and coveting thy neighbor's barbecue fest until the show. To burn time, my sister, brother-in-law and I waited a good one hour in line to get in (really frustrating at the time but not even worth delving into), perused the fair, got on a few rides till one of us nearly puked, and played a few games. The cool thing though was while waiting in line we met a really cool vampy vixen - no really ladies and gents, she really was....and yes, the fangs are very life like and sharp.

The fairgrounds proved to be quite interesting as we continued forth. The single men there were just...bizarre.

Only joking. The wax figures you see here were part of the Art Exhibit on the Fairgrounds and were created by North Bay locals. Talk about raw talent!!!

Please don't mistake this for a wax figure - this happens to be my older sister Patty. This is her "excited" face.

And the weirdo in this picture is my future brother-in-law Carlos. He is the lucky guy who gets to spend the rest of his life with my sister Patty. They have so much in common and more often than not they spend a lot of time laughing together, at each other, at other people's expense, etc.

Carlos is way cool. He wears shades no matter how dark or light it is outside. Patty on the other hand carries the weight of the world on her shoulders.

A mini-city made of toothpicks, balsa wood and illustration board.

We shared our ferris-wheel ride with this awesome little girl. Her name is Chantel. She's 10 years old, is very proud that she's an aunt to an awesome little, redheaded nephew and her favorite cartoon is Scooby-Doo. You can find out a lot about a person when you share a ride together. Again, Happy 4th of July!

The fairgrounds proved to be quite interesting as we continued forth. The single men there were just...bizarre.

Only joking. The wax figures you see here were part of the Art Exhibit on the Fairgrounds and were created by North Bay locals. Talk about raw talent!!!