Sunday, August 31, 2008
Just posting a few pics from Erika & Wayne's wedding out at Flower Garden Ranch in Petaluma.

the dancing and singing later that day.......
Congrats Erika & Wayne!
Just a sneak peak from a baby shower and a couple maternity shots while I was in the central valley yesterday. Amanda is going to be SUCH a fantastic mother. She makes pregnancy look so.....easy? Congrats Amanda and Eric. Can't wait to meet the baby you'll be bringing up in this world! Rr.

This baby has one hip mama!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
This has been SUCH a horrible week for me. With the 9-5 and my father being in the hospital this week, I haven't had much time to myself, much less post. However, I am GETTING my act TOGETHER so here's what's in store:
- The Miller Family in Alameda. You might remember siblings
Tricia and Brendan. This time the family and I hang out near the Alameda Peninsula. They also treat me to a yummy, home-cooked meal that was to die for. I can't wait to post these!
- Joy and Aldwin. A super cute couple whose anniversary is coming up this week.
- Christina and Micah - a fun garden wedding in Salinas with Brian Ng of
Until then!
Although I'm not shooting their wedding next month, :-( I must say it was quite an honor to have worked with Lisa and O.V. over the weekend. They'll be wed in Hawaii later in October (double sad-face for me, quad-triple happy-face for them).
We could not have asked for a better day. Great weather, killer parking - yes, especially in San Francisco's Chinatown district!
Lisa and O.V., it was my absolute pleasure this weekend. I wish you both the best of luck and all the happiness you deserve! Give Bacon my love! Rr.

It's amazing just HOW MUCH attention and respect a bride demands in public (unbeknownst to the bride, of course). Everywhere we went, tourists, locals and all were touched. I just love this pic.

O.V. and Lisa made my job easy. Not much direction needed for their session. Everytime I turned there they were having fun!

A typical weekend day in San Francisco's bustling Chinatown.

I just LOVE the way O.V. looks at Lisa.

I like a good twirl every now and again. I love that the passerby was totally unexpected!

Honestly, this interaction wasn't contrived. These two really know how to make each other smile.

Lisa is natural and radiant.

A detail shot.

and s'more detail....

Bacon is Lisa & O.V.'s dog. He is a HUGE part of their life. He is also very slick and can steal a treat out of your hand if you're not careful. I witnessed it myself!

Monday, August 18, 2008
Holy smokes! Where have I been? I haven't blogged in a while, but thought I'd share my recent shoot with pianist/filmmaker Valerie Mih. She's the brainchild of
'Circular Dreaming' - a musical experience melding jazz, classical and experimental approaches. Her music is available for download on
iTunes so definitely check out her work! Her next self-titled album 'Circular Dreaming' is due for release sometime very, very soon so be on the lookout! Just a special shout out to Val - it was quite an honor working with you. Good luck to you and your endeavors in filmmaking and inspiring our future animators everywhere!

by the way, Val writes all her own music.

possibly my favorite image. i love how the character of the piano is defined by the dust on its cover.

as one might imagine, being a musician means possibly have a lot of instruments around. for val, an accordian.

up close and personal.