Clients | Valerie Mih
Monday, August 18, 2008
Holy smokes! Where have I been? I haven't blogged in a while, but thought I'd share my recent shoot with pianist/filmmaker Valerie Mih. She's the brainchild of 'Circular Dreaming' - a musical experience melding jazz, classical and experimental approaches. Her music is available for download on iTunes so definitely check out her work! Her next self-titled album 'Circular Dreaming' is due for release sometime very, very soon so be on the lookout! Just a special shout out to Val - it was quite an honor working with you. Good luck to you and your endeavors in filmmaking and inspiring our future animators everywhere!

by the way, Val writes all her own music.

possibly my favorite image. i love how the character of the piano is defined by the dust on its cover.

as one might imagine, being a musician means possibly have a lot of instruments around. for val, an accordian.

up close and personal.