Engagement | Lisa & Abhijit
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Although I'm not shooting their wedding next month, :-( I must say it was quite an honor to have worked with Lisa and O.V. over the weekend. They'll be wed in Hawaii later in October (double sad-face for me, quad-triple happy-face for them).
We could not have asked for a better day. Great weather, killer parking - yes, especially in San Francisco's Chinatown district!
Lisa and O.V., it was my absolute pleasure this weekend. I wish you both the best of luck and all the happiness you deserve! Give Bacon my love! Rr.

It's amazing just HOW MUCH attention and respect a bride demands in public (unbeknownst to the bride, of course). Everywhere we went, tourists, locals and all were touched. I just love this pic.

O.V. and Lisa made my job easy. Not much direction needed for their session. Everytime I turned there they were having fun!

A typical weekend day in San Francisco's bustling Chinatown.

I just LOVE the way O.V. looks at Lisa.

I like a good twirl every now and again. I love that the passerby was totally unexpected!

Honestly, this interaction wasn't contrived. These two really know how to make each other smile.

Lisa is natural and radiant.

A detail shot.

and s'more detail....

Bacon is Lisa & O.V.'s dog. He is a HUGE part of their life. He is also very slick and can steal a treat out of your hand if you're not careful. I witnessed it myself!