Clients | Brianne & Shannon - BFFs breaking tradition
Monday, April 14, 2008
I love the idea that one day two friends decide that THEY TOO want their pictures taken. Together. Why not? Portrait photography is for everyone and these days anything goes. I say kudos to the girls for breaking the tradition of photographic opportunity. Because photography isn't just for brides and grooms and couples and families and's for friends, too!
The weather was absolutely GORGEOUS in the Bay Area this weekend. So the girls and I trekked toward the coast via a 2006 Stormcloud ScionXB courtesy of yours truly to my secret hiding spot. I love that this area is so secluded and unless you're looking for it you would never know it was there. So unless you're willing to fork out the dough, I'm not telling! *lol* My two goals were to capture the essence and personality of the two while playing around colorful backdrops. I'd say it worked out quite successfully. I'd like to extend a huge "thank you" to Brianne and Shannon for being patient and allowing me to zip here and there everywhere during our shoot. To fun and friendship!!!!
My faves!


My faves!
LtoR: Bri looking fresh and radiant; Bri loses it and tries her best to keep a serious face...

Shannon looks cool and mysterious...this girl really is tall enough to be a model!!

the many faces of Shannon: seductive, silly and sweet...

Next stop: the girls and I head to a local greenhouse filled with beautiful bromiliads. I'm a fan of this place and one day when I meet the right man I want to get married here. It is so beautiful and mystical and absolutely quaint. It gives true meaning to a "garden wedding"....In fact, there is a ceremony and reception area which is perfect for a small, if I can only find that perfect man....*sigh*

Brianne becomes one with the earth...I found the remnants of a plant lying on the floor of the greenhouse. She was such a great sport for allowing me to plant it on her head...pun intended....

the girls take a break while I play paparazzi. Look at those wedges!!

final stop, a local taqueria....the colors and Brianne's dress may have inspired my next trip to Mexico....